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The following are descriptions of holds and instructions for resolving holds that may appear on your record. You should contact the department placing the hold, as details about the holds and the reasons are not usually provided. 

What is a Hold?  

A hold is either informational for you to take an action or prohibits you from performing an action like registering or dropping of classes, participating in moving into the residence halls, viewing grades, and requesting a transcript. 

How do I check if I have a Hold? 

Students can view their holds through their LeopardWeb.

How and When are Holds Removed? 

Some holds must be released by a particular office (see the type of hold below which will indicate who to contact) manually while others are automatically lifted based upon an action.  For the Balance Due hold, once an EBill reflects a zero-balance due to payment in full, enrollment in a payment plan, anticipated financial aid funds, and/or certified alternative loan or Parent PLUS loan funds, the Balance Due hold is automatically removed within fifteen minutes.  

Types of Holds

A hold is either informational for you to take an action or prohibits you from performing an action like registering or dropping of classes, participating in moving into the residence halls, viewing grades, and requesting a transcript. 

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